若在旅途中身体有不适,或出现病症,请向“检疫所健康咨询处”或检疫官申报。2. 证照查验(入境检查)请出示护照及出入境卡。(非日籍旅客皆须出示出入境卡)3. 领取行李请先查看机场显示屏确认所搭乘航班的行李转盘号码后,再前往行李转盘处等候领取行李。
Narita Airport, the official name of which is Narita International Airport, lies about 37 miles east of centralTokyoin theChibaprefecture. It is located on the border ofNarita Cityand the town ofShibayama. Though a further distance thanHaneda Airport,Narita Airporthas good transportation links to ...
南航官方网站,中国China Southern Airlines Co.,Ltd.公司简称南航。南航是国内运输飞机最多、航线网络最密集、年客运量最大的航空公司,荣获中国民航飞行安全最高奖——五星奖。南航网站提供国内、国际机票预订,餐食预定、行李查询、在线办理乘机手续。南航销售服务热线95
Tokyo (HND)toHong Kong (HKG) Depart: 14/03/2025 From JPY 10,600* Seen: 1 day ago One-way Book Now Tokyo (NRT)toHong Kong (HKG) Depart: 25/03/2025 From JPY 11,000* Seen: 1 day ago One-way Book Now *Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs. Fares are exclus...
<td> T3航站楼南一指廊口 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 服务 </td> <td> 迅邦达贵宾服务公司代理 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 开放时间 </td> <td> 05:30至夜航结束 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 开放人群 </td> <td> 两舱及持卡旅客 ...
(非日籍旅客皆須出示出入境卡)3. 領取行李請先查看機場螢幕確認所搭乘班機的行李轉盤號碼後,再至行李轉盤處等候領取行李。4. 海關檢查檢查旅客的託運及手提行李。不論是否有需申報的物品,都需出示海關申報表並接受行李檢查。關於免稅品額度限制的更多詳情,請參考此處。
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> 服务 </td> <td> 迅邦达贵宾服务公司代理 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 开放时间 </td> <td> 05:30至夜航结束 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> 开放人群 </td> <td> 两舱及持卡旅客 </td> </tr> </tbody> ...
Haneda International Airport >> Please check here about airport access. Departure (3F, Terminal 3) 1. Check-in: Please complete check-in at our check-in counterbetween 150 minutes and 50 minutes beforethe scheduled departure. * Please check the flight information board in order to know the ch...