sharonensis (Glu‐1Ssh) plus one or more HMW‐GSs from common wheat (Glu‐A1, Glu‐B1, or Glu‐D1). Results: In this study, we conducted quality tests to explore the effects of 1Sshx2.3 and 1Sshy2.9 on the processing quality of 18 wheat‐Aegilops sharonensis introgression lines. Our...
Aegilops sharonensis is a diploid relative of wheat and has novel high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) encoded by Glu- 1S sh. Hybrids of tetraploid wheat species and Ae. sharonensishave...doi:10.1007/s11032-015-0416-0Springer NetherlandsMolecular Breeding...
【糖王周毅做中国风蛋糕:#一个蛋糕20万#】80后周毅,6年前作为面塑艺人在淘宝上接到翻糖订单,便一点点自学成才。2017年世界蛋糕大会上以《武则天》夺冠,成为中国翻糖第一人,现在做一块蛋糕最高要20万。“食品是无国界的,用蛋糕把中国5000年文化发扬到世界。”网友:又要骗我去做蛋糕LTV海豚视频的秒拍视频 ...
小樱卡展示巨好看,这还是客户返图哦#魔卡少女樱 #小樱 #库洛牌 #卡片 可以来直播间看看哦 小樱卡展示巨好看,这还是客户返图哦#魔卡少女樱 #小樱 #库洛牌 #卡片 可以来直播间看看哦 图文15 模子哥准备直播拆卡了,可以蹲一蹲哦#吉伊卡哇 #紫罗兰永恒花园 #柯南 #秘境森林 喜欢的宝子最近可以留意一下 模子哥...
HMW-GSs from six common wheat cultivars.Yuke GengBinshuang PangChenyang HaoSaijun TangXueyong ZhangTian Li
HMW-GSswheatThe aim of this study was to clarify the effects of the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) 1Dx3+1Dy12 (3+12) and 1Dx4+1Dy12 (4+12) at the Glu-D1 locus on gluten and Chinese steamed bread (CSB) quality. The grain protein content and composition, gluten...
Characterization of HMW-GSs and their gene inaction in tetraploid wheat[J] . Qian-Tao Jiang,Jian Ma,Shan Zhao,Quan-Zhi Zhao,Xiu-Jin Lan,Shou-Fen Dai,Zhen-Xiang Lu,You-Liang Zheng,Yu-Ming Wei.Genetica . 2012 (7-9)Jiang QT, Ma J, Zhao S, Zhao QZ, Lan XJ, et al. (2012) ...
HMW‐GSswheatThe aim of this study was to clarify the effects of the high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GSs) 1Dx3+1Dy12 (3+12) and 1Dx4+1Dy12 (4+12) at the Glu‐D1 locus on gluten and Chinese steamed bread (CSB) quality. The grain protein content and composition, ...