Figure 3B) was purified using the Monarch HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Tissue. Samples were agitated at the indicated speed during the lysis step to control the fragmentation of the DNA. 300 ng (kidney) and 500 ng (E. coli) of DNA for each sample was resolved by PFGE (settings...
使用币种: 人民币 采购类型: 线上单 经费负责人审批时间: 2025-02-28 供应商商品名称货号规格单价数量总价 基因生物技术国际贸易(上海)有限公司广州分公司 Monarch? HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Tissue - 5 preps T3060S 5 preps 790.0 2.0 1580.0热门
PFGE analysis result indicated that the length of genomic DNA that was embedded and purified in agarose gel block was more than 500 kb longer,better than using genomic DNA extraction kit and phenol-chloroform extraction. Sau3A Ⅰ,BamH Ⅰ,HindⅢ and XbaⅠwere used to study partial restriction ...
种子DNACTABTo meet the demand of high-throughput molecular detection of HMW-GS in wheat,based on the traditional CTAB method and magnetic bead method,this study created a new method of high-throughput DNA extraction of wheat seeds,which was simple operation,low cost,short cycle.The yield and ...
Extraction and Electroelution of Spiders'' HMW-gDNA蜘蛛HMW-gDNA的电洗脱纯化提取 该文研究了蜘蛛大分子量基因组DNA(HMW-gDNA)的提取以及一种高效电洗脱纯化装置的构建。以蜘蛛胸部肌肉组织为原料,通过自改良CTAB法提取蜘蛛HMW-gDNA,利用透析膜和2mL... 王金发 - 《动物学研究》 被引量: 3发表: 2009年 基于...
lengthofwhichshouldatleastbetentimeslongerthanofwhichofcosmidvectorwhichusuallyrangesfrom20to50kb.PFGEanalysisresultindicatedthatthelengthofgenomicDNAthatwasembeddedandpurifiedinagarosegelblock wasmorethan500kblonger,betterthanusinggenomicDNAextractionkitandphenol-chloroformextraction.Sau3A ...
Plant Genomic DNA Extraction by CTAB 2 Fiona:植物基因组DNA提取法2菲奥娜 Chemical and biochemical strategies for the randomization of protein encoding DNA sequences library construction methods for directed evolution Gamma-aminobutyric acid accumulation in tea (Camellia sinensis L.) through the GABA shunt...
1.0 microM taxol treatment for 48 h results in microtubule bundle formation and the retention of HMW-MAPs in these cells upon extraction with T-MTSB. Electron microscopy demonstrates that microtubules in control cytoskeletons are devoid of surface structures whereas the microtubules in taxol-treated ...
Sequencing was performed on both strands by using the fluorescent dideoxy-chain terminator method on an ABI 3730 DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). RNA extraction Total cellular RNA was extracted from mid-log phase grown NTHi strains 12, 56, 72 and 91 by using the ...
extractionsteps,inconjunctionwiththeremovalofPVP一40 fromtheplugwashingandnucleilysissteps,werecriticalfor achievingHWMteaplantDNAsuitableforBAClibrary construction.Additionally.athirdPFGEfractionselectionstep to eliminate contaminating small DNA fragments.The modificationsprovidedparametersthatmayhaveprevented deleterious...