Functionally active virus-specific T cells that target CMV, adenovirus, and EBV can be expanded from naive T-cell populations in cord blood and will target... The naive phenotype of cord blood (CB) T cells may reduce graft-versus-host disease after umbilical cord blood transplantation, but ...
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Induces Expression of B-Cell Activation Markers on in vitro Infection of EBV-Negative B-Lymphoma Cells A set of B-cell activation markers, including the EBV/C3d receptor [complement receptor type 2 (CR2) (CD21)], the 45-kDa lymphoblastoid cell-associated (Bl... ...
We have surveyed the morphological diversity of viruses infecting the archaeon Aeropyrum pernix, the most thermophilic species among aerobic organisms, growing optimally at 90 °C, and isolated and characterized a novel virus, Aeropyrum pernix bacilliform virus 1, APBV1. This is the first virus to...