HMT-3522 T4-2 cells were shown to invade Matrigel-coated Transwell membranes in response to EGF while HMT-3522 S-1 cells failed to invade when treated with EGF. Studies utilizing specific molecular inhibitors showed the importance of 尾1 integrin, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI 3-kinase), ...
The third subline, HMT-3522 T4-2 (ECACC catalogue no. 98102212) was established from S2 at passage 238 and is the only tumorigenic line in nude mice out of the 3 sublines. This cell line grows on collagen-treated flasks. Species: human (Homo sapiens) Tissue: Breast Disease: Human Caucas...
Subline HMT-3522 S2 (ECACC catalogue no. 98102211) has been isolated by culturing S1 cells from passage 118 in serum-free media without epidermal growth factor (EGF). This cell line grows on collagen-treated flasks. The third subline, HMT-3522 T4-2 (ECACC catalogue no. 98102212) was establ...
点击次数:133发布时间:2009/11/2更新日期:2012/3/8 16:46:51 所在地:中国大陆 产品型号:HMT-3522 S1 简单介绍:Human Caucasian breast epithelial相关标签:优质供应 详细内容 《国内外生命学科品牌会所:凝胶成像mshar系列产品》自产 本公司是专业代理国内外品牌的大型企业,专业经营国内外知名品牌公司的产品,(如...