Heavy cruiser HMS York is the British Royal Navy during World War IIYork class heavy cruiser of the first ship.In September 1939 after the outbreakof war as a cover transportation fleet tasks, October...
Heavy cruiser HMS York is the British Royal Navy duringWorld War II York class heavy cruiser of the first ship.In September 1939 afterthe outbreak of war as a cover transportation fleet t...
1. Warship Profile 13: HMS Exeter/Heavy Cruiser 1929-1941。目前最详实的资料。 2. New Vanguard 190: British Heavy Cruisers 1939-1945:里面关于约克和埃克塞特有简单的一章节。 3. Exeter 1:80模型,资料来源:http://www.exetermemories.co.uk/em/_misc/hms-exeter-model.php。这个模型是原厂版本,31年...
HMS Country Class heavy cruiser只看楼主收藏 回复 353136117 小吧主 11 伦敦是我的!伦敦最棒了! 回复 举报|来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-05-26 22:14 353136117 小吧主 11 回复 举报|来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-05-26 22:14 353136117 小吧主 11 部分布置游戏无法模仿,所以篡改了~ 回复 举报|来自iPh...
This is the sister of pirate class heavy cruiser ship sharp, pirate level heavy cruisers to suppress enemy light cruisers, destroyers, and heavy cruisers to fight with the enemy, in order to lead the destroyer fleet and pursue the enemy high-speed ships, she is designed to be slender body ...
Finally, Hood was to be completely re-modernized in 1941 but had to wait for the Duke of York which was on her slipway to be launched. Unfortunately, this would never come to pass as the Battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen would make a break for the Atlantic and Hood...
From Greece, we boarded a little steamer and traveled down to Crete. That had a somber atmosphere. We landed at Suda Bay. The old cruiser York was sunk in the harbour from air attack, her guns sticking up out of the water. There was this long jetty, where we d...
Barrie Pitt, consultant ed., The Military History of World War II (New York: The Military Press, 1986) Prien, Günther, U-Boat Commander (New York: Award Books, 1969) Stern, Robert C., U-Boats in Action (Warships No. 1) (Carrolton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1977) Wright,...
Heavy cruiser Exeter is the British RoyalNavy during World War II York class heavy cruiser ship in the 2nd, is the
Product introduction: Heavy cruiserExeteris the British Royal Navy during World War II York class heavy cruiser ship in the 2nd, is the "Exeter" named after the first four warships. The ship had been hit hard in the 1939Battleof the River Plate and the German Navy Admiral Graf Spey battle...