在1839-1843年间,幽冥号(HMS Erebus)与恐怖号(HMS Terror)在詹姆斯·罗斯(James Clark Ross)的带领下进行南极探险,当时22岁的约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克(Joseph Dalton Hooker,1817-1911)作为医疗人员参与了这次航行,而途中在南极及南半球各大陆采集的标本与研究后来集结出版成为他植物学生涯的重要部分,这系列的主要版画...
The Voyage of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror to the Southern and Antarctic RegionsBLDNB NMM OED SPRI TNA UKHOCaptain James Clark RossR.N
In 1845, HMS Terror (and its forgettably named sister ship HMS Erebus) set off from Victorian Britain. Their quest was to discover the fabled Northwest passage through the Arctic ice. The crew were heroes in waiting. Yet by the end the rules that govern life on board Royal Navy vessels ...
hms erebus基本解释 幽冥号 分词解释 HMS英国政府公务(Her/HisMajesty´sService) Erebus〈希神〉阳间与阴间当中的黑暗界猜你喜欢 erebus volcano埃里伯斯火山 erebus motorsport动公司 erebus mount伊里布斯峰 erebus odora欧多拉 mount erebus埃里伯斯火山...
(Parks Canada) Parks Canada的水下考古团队于2018年9月10日在这里展示,准备本季度的第一次潜水,探索HMS Erebus的残骸。来自海底的陶瓷 (Parks Canada) 这个完好无损的陶瓷罐是在HMS Erebus的一个军官舱内发现的,旁边是一堆小盘子。研究人员希望船上可能有残留物,可以显示出船员在船上最后几天...
网络幽冥号;自幽冥号;英国皇家海军幽冥号 网络释义
of course, we shouldn’t discount the inherent strangeness of the source material itself. in may of 1845, captain sir john franklin led the h.m.s. erebus and the h.m.s. terror —yes, that was really the ship’s name—on a voyage to discover the northwest passage. the ships...
明日方舟 7.4 东方归言录 7.9 魔卡之耀 7.5 坎特伯雷公主与骑士唤醒冠军之剑的奇幻冒险 8.3 公主连结Re:Dive 8.5 BanG Dream! 9.2 你已经到达了世界的尽头 欢迎关注bilibili游戏中心 哔哩哔哩游戏中心 企业认证:哔哩哔哩游戏中心官方账号 官方微信 官方微博 联系我们 联系客服 400-178-2233(10:00-18:00) ...
two wooden ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror. sailed out of the Thames bound for the Arctic. At the helms were John Franklin and Francis Cro... O Edward - The Search Fro Franklin: The Disappearance of the Franklin Expedition to Find the Northwest Passage Was One of the Most Celebrated ...