Mary Mack 8. Oct. 21, 2011 I served on a cruiser, H.M.S. Newfoundland, in the Red Sea during Operation Musketeer at Suez while the Theseus was doing her 'thing' at the other end of the Canal, and it is really nice to see pictures of this ship of my time. Thank you all conc...
还有就是广告少了(毕竟很多广告都是HMS那边提供的,不单单是华为应用,甚至内置在部分荣耀应用中),个人觉得除 分享6969 模型船吧 勇敢的纽约🎄 “百年一战”英国皇家海军HMS.Queen Mary,玛丽女王号战列巡洋舰 新人第二做,工期将近一个多月,采用combrig套件,通用蚀刻片,制作年代设定是1916年5月31日,日德兰海战。
1803年6月27日,船员们提前领取了两个月的工资,船只离开去加入由威廉·康沃利斯爵士(Admiral The Honourable Sir William Cornwallis)指挥的海峡舰队(Channel Fleet),康沃利斯爵士在110门炮一等战列舰(First rate ship of the line) HMS Ville de Paris上悬挂他的指挥旗,封锁法国**大西洋舰队(French Atlantic Fleet...
Dreadnoughtperformed admirably during its trials and testing. Closely watched by the world's navies,Dreadnoughtinspired a revolution in battleship design and future all-big-gun ships were henceforth referred to as "dreadnoughts." Designated flagship of the Home Fleet, minor problems...
This latest reactor coolant leak is seen as potential evidence that this ship is actually reaching the end of her life. It may be that she has to be decommissioned and will not emerge from the extensive repair period now necessary.
And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives. Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul. And because...
卡罗琳女王纪念馆(Queen Caroline Memorial) 致玛丽·卡罗琳·埃文斯(To Mary Caroline Evans) "森林里的卡罗琳("Caroline" in the Wood) MV罗斯复仇-卡罗琳电台(MV Ross Revenge - Radio Caroline ship) 卡罗琳夫人大道(Lady Caroline"s Drive) 黄昏时分的罗兹磨坊(Rhodes Mill at dusk) ...
而就是在这八兄弟中,HMS Britannia 由于建造时间偏后于1906年率先换装了与后 +2 38643 模型船吧 勇敢的纽约🎄 “百年一战”英国皇家海军HMS.Queen Mary,玛丽女王号战列巡洋舰 新人第二做,工期将近一个多月,采用combrig套件,通用蚀刻片,制作年代设定是1916年5月31日,日德兰海战。由于玛丽女王1916年资料,本人拥有...
5159261 htcm8吧 xxx渝 终于更新5.0了,移动定制版特此开帖感谢语音哥,如果你也是受益者,很有必要谢谢人家 分享253赞 模型船吧 勇敢的纽约🎄 最炫一战风•HMS.Queen Mary 1916,HMS.Queen Elizabeth1915玛丽女王开工,同时收拾阑尾好久的伊丽莎白女王,都为1:700比例。 第一步钻舷窗,钻到手软啊 +5 分享357 模型...
他于1793年7月被任命为装备18磅臼炮的14门火攻舰(fireship)“彗星”号(HMS Comet)舰长(Master and Commander)。1794年“六月辉煌首战”中,他和他的船执行信号转发任务。1807年8月29日,“普兰塔吉奈”号捕获了一艘从圣马洛出发一天但未捕获任何舰只的法舰“无与伦比”号(L'Incomparable),该船装备二门炮和...