Request a quote for Industrial Internet of Things Have a communication expert from HMS contact you to discuss your specific requirements. By submitting this form, you confirm that you agree to the processing of your personal data by HMS Networks as described in thePrivacy Policy ...
payReq.merchantName ="XXX Company (set as your company name here)"; // 分类,必填,不参与签名。该字段会影响风控策略 | Categories, required, do not participate in the signature. This field affects wind control policy // X4:主题,X5:应用商店, X6:游戏,X7:天际通,X8:云空间,X9:电...
// 其他错误码意义参照支付api参考 | Other error code meaning reference payment API reference } } }); // 将requestid缓存,供查询订单 | RequestID Cache for Query order addRequestIdToCache(payReq.getRequestId()); } /** * PMS支付示例 | PMS Payment Example */ private void pmsPay(String pro...
2021 Phone Camera Photograph I am one with all I see As I cotemplate a Tree, I become one with nature. Music My latest find, "The Hu Band" Well, this video with the lyric in English translation is the first time I understood its meaning. A powerful war chant Ghengis Khan would be ...
to be levied on its property or obtained against it, or fails to observe/perform any of its obligations under the Contract or any other contract between the Company and the Buyer, or is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Buyer cea...
// Other error code meaning reference payment API reference } } }); The request is initiated only after the invoking the PendingResult.setResultCallback interface. You need to create the ResultCallback<PayResult> to handle the invoking result. 2.3.3 Developers Server Processes Successful Callback...
另外对于有自己应用服务器的开发者需要完成支付回调服务器的开发工作,详细步骤参考《服务端开发》章节。 1. 功能描述 自定义价格pay支付仅限于国内开放,适用开发者对单个国家或地区提供的商品或服务自行定价或随时修改价格的场景,开发者无需使用华为PMS系统进行商品全球定价。可以帮助开发者快速实现应用内支付功能。