计划成员: 2015 认证工程师: 1 Halmstad, SE (Headquarters) http://www.hms-networks.com/ 要求信息 合作伙伴信息 Trends such as the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 require more and more industrial machines to become networked. HMS products, solutions and know-how enable industrial machinery to...
HMS工业网络有限公司于1988年在瑞典Halmstad成立,是工业信息和通信技术解决方案的市场领先供应商。HMS现有员工近1200名,2022年全球销售额为2.45亿美元。HMS代表Hardware Meets Software™,是斯德哥尔摩纳斯达克OMX交易所上市公司,并被列为信息技术大型公司。HM...[阅读全文] ...
302 45 HalmstadSwedenPhone: +46 (0) 35 17 29 00E-mail: info@hms.seDisclaimer of liabilityThe website is operated by HMS Industrial Networks AB; HMS Industrial Networks AB is entitled to any rights on the website. HMS Industrial Networks AB will not accept any liability for indirect, ...
Every care has been taken in the preparation of this document.Please inform HMS Industrial Net-works AB of any inaccuracies or omissions.The data and illustrations found in this document are not binding.We,HMS Industrial Networks AB,reserve the right to modify our products in line with our poli...
HMS Industrial Networks成立于1988年,总部位于瑞典哈尔姆斯塔德(Halmstad),员工人数240人,在全球50个国家设有代理商。我们提供可靠的解决方案将各种自动化设备,包括机器人、控制器、电机驱动器和传感器接入各种工业网络。我们的网络接口产品和专业知识可以帮助我们的用户将设备接入各种网络环境,从而扩大他们的市场。这使得我...
For data protection questions in general, or questions regarding our global processing: HMS Industrial Networks ABAtt: Data protection responsiblePO Box 4126SE-300 04 HalmstadSwedendataprotection@hms-networks.comFor Talk2M cloud services:HMS Industrial Networks SAAtt: Data protection responsible22, ...
HMS Networks ABStationsgatan 37HALMSTAD 302 50SwedenSWE Phone+46 35172900 Fax+46 35172909 Websitehttps://www.hms-networks.com/ Mergers & acquisitions Acquired companyDeal statusDateHMS:STO since announcedTransaction value Peak System Technik GmbHDeal completed01 Oct 202425.99%76.83m ...
Anybus是HMS旗下品牌,HMS成立于1988年,总部位于瑞典哈尔姆斯塔德(Halmstad), 致力于为工业自动化设备提供通讯技术。提供可靠的解决方案将各种自动化设备,包括机器人、控制器、电机驱动器和传感器接入各种工业网络。其Anybus品牌网络接口产品为客户提供了简单和灵活的方式,将自动化设备或系统接入多种现场总线和工业以太网,...
HMS Industrial Networks成立于1988年,总部位于瑞典哈尔姆斯塔德(Halmstad),员工人数240人,在全球50个国家设有代理商。我们提供可靠的解决方案将各种自动化设备,包括机器人、控制器、电机驱动器和传感器接入各种工业网络。我们的网络接口产品和专业知识可以帮助我们的用户将设备接入各种网络环境,从而扩大他们的市场。这使得我...
wireless communication platforms, as well as offers brand labeling, system, software, and maintenance solutions. The company offers its solutions to device manufactures, machine builders, system integrators, and end users. HMS Networks AB (publ) was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Halmstad,...