HMRlignan provides cardiovascular protection.(RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS)
Mated female rats were fed diets containing 0, 0.25, 1, and 4% (w/w) of 7-hydroxymatairesinol in the form of potassium acetate complex (HMRlignan; potassium acetate level approximately 20% w/w within the preparation) for days 0–21 of gestation. Test substance intake was calculated to ...
Results: We demonstrated that chronic treatment with HMR/lignan was able to slow down the progression of degeneration of striatal dopaminergic terminals in a rat model of PD, with a consequent improvement in motor performance. Nevertheless, the anti-inflammatory effect of HMR/lignan observed in SNc...
Hormos licenses HMRlignan to Linnea.(INDUSTRY NEWS)(Hormos Medical Corporation)(Brief Article)
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