- check your pay a few days before pay day - check previous payments from your employer - find out how much Income Tax you should pay - check your company benefits - find your tax codes - claim a refund if you’ve paid too much tax - work out your take-home pay with the tax calc...
Service manager should skip starting the service running in the IDE as its healthcheck should respond telling SM its already running. Alternatively you can start the profile beforehand and just stop the individual service you want to work on. ...
# Install correct version of Python pyenv install $(cat .python-version) # Optional set up environment variables export POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=true export PYTHONPATH=/home/paul/work_repos/aws-lambda-ec2-launch-checks export MDTP_ENVIRONMENT=internal-base # Run tests: make test # Package ...
In January 2021 I went on maternity leave and received Maternity allowance... then never returned to work as I was then on Maternity leave again in October 2021. I resigned with immediate effect (never returned back from Leave), in July 2022 Hadn't stepped foot back into the office since...
docker run --memory 1024m --cpus 2 --publish 9050:8080 --env API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 ipv-cri-check-hmrc-front-frontend Deployed API or Mock For the front end to work correctly, you will need to use a mock API so for this Imposter has been used. Imposter can be...
For example, if you created a test named utils.support.ZapRunner then the following command should work: sbt "testOnly utils.Support.ZapRunner" The output of a successful run will look something like this: Reading the output of the test? A HTML report is created at target/zap-reports/...
Regression tests need to work through a number of combinations of the following conditions: Service New Existing (and already Approved) New Version (and already approved) Stop Autodeploy enabled/disabled (flag) Enabled Disabled Not Present (Default) ...
api.go api_test.go api_vca.go api_vca_test.go api_vcd.go api_vcd_test.go catalog.go catalog_test.go catalogitem.go catalogitem_test.go edgegateway.go edgegateway_test.go org.go org_test.go orgvdcnetwork.go orgvdcnetwork_test.go ...
install your favorite IDE - in the course I work with IntelliJ IDEA either clone the repo or download as zip open with the IDE as an SBT project Getting Started Start by cloning this repository and checkout the start tag: git checkout start The repository has tags for intermediate states...