Tax agents ACCA also recently welcomed the step by HMRC to look to only work with tax agents who are members of recognised professional bodies. Although ACCA is clear that the proposal would need to be carefully implemented to ensure that taxpayers, agents and Exchequer benefit and we do not ...
CPD - HMRC Webinars - Free ACCA & CIMA online courses from OpenTuition Free Notes, Lectures, Tests and Forums for ACCA and CIMA exams
From 31 March 2022, taxpayers will need to use a new version of form 64-8 to give authorisation for a tax agent to deal directly with HMRC on their behalf. Existing clients will not need to re-authorise their current relationship. How to access the new form Tax...
Agents are unable to set up either a Direct Debit or an online Time to Pay arrangement on behalf of their clients. Your client should log into their Business Tax Account and, provided they have ‘PAYE for employer’ enrolment, they will be able to set up a Direct Debit themselves...
// Lists the genuine HMRC contact A reminder that GOV.UK website has replaced Business Link and Directgov sites See Link: Webinars Have pre-recorded sessions which can be viewed at any ...