经过我们与税局的沟通确认查证,了解到现在申请税号,无论是个人独立账户申请还是税代集体账户申请,Principal Place of Business 都必须填客户的实际地址,如果是non-uk(非英国企业),HMRC的Check-VAT-Number显示的registered business 都会是HMRC地址。(英国C88递延清关文件)从上面C88递延文件清关证明,中国卖家英国...
经过我们与税局的沟通确认查证,了解到现在申请税号,无论是个人独立账户申请还是税代集体账户申请,Principal Place of Business 都必须填客户的实际地址,如果是non-uk(非英国企业),HMRC的Check-VAT-Number显示的registered business 都会是HMRC地址。 (英国C88递延清关文件) 从上面C88递延文件清关证明,中国卖家英国VAT显...
经过我们与税局的沟通确认查证,了解到现在申请税号,无论是个人独立账户申请还是税代集体账户申请,Principal Place of Business 都必须填客户的实际地址,如果是non-uk(非英国企业),HMRC的Check-VAT-Number显示的registered business 都会是HMRC地址。 (英国C88递延清关文件) 从上面C88递延文件清关证明,中国卖家英国VAT显...
The GfC for VAT refer heavily to the use of business systems and processes for VAT compliance and the controls that businesses might put in place to reduce risks of errors within these processes. HMRC very clearly state that where risks are identified, they expect taxpayers to work towards impr...
在非HMRC地址的情况下,依然被冻结资金的账号,现在已经测试出解决方案了。 为什么非HMRC地址,账号却被冻结了呢? 就像这种情况,他的Business type那里没有显示Non UK Company。这就是会计师的神奇之处了!!! 这种属于被注册会计师隐藏了公司性质,看起来地址是英国地址, ...
vat-registration-frontend The purpose of this microservice is to allow users to register their business for VAT online. How to start the service locally To start all the dependent services required by VAT Registration Frontend in service manager, you can either use sm --start VAT_REG_ALL -r...
KB suggested it will be good for HMRC to adopt C&E's former VAT education format e.g visiting agents within the first eighteen months of trading genuinely to educate and monitor progress. JS discussed the way forward including working on future strategy, educational interventions for agents as ...
VAT registered business. If you have ceased trading or transferred the business to a new owner, complete form VAT7 Application to cancel your VAT Registration. If you have changed your legal entity, for example, from sole trader to limited...
Business travel is travel that’s exclusively for the purpose of conducting business and is necessary for the success of your business. For example, if you must travel to meet a client or to view a production site for your business, your travel, accommodations, and meals on this trip would...
It is expected that VAT view payments will be included in this and that it will work in a similar way as the Business Tax Dashboard that clients currently have access to. An Agent has been experiencing a problem in relation to tax codes for 2013/14 tax year, for different clients, not...