You don't need to be an expert to complete your self assessment tax return. Find Out More Example: quarterly VAT accounting period If you submit your VAT return quarterly, but have been late three times, you’ll have three penalty points. If you’re late again you’ll get another penal...
Please note the following service availability and issues for key HMRC services that may affect you over the self-assessment tax return season: VAT from 12 noon Saturday 10 December to 9am Monday 12 December ITSA from 5pm Friday 9 December to 5pm Tuesday 13 December ASA ...
Make sure your records are as error-free as possible. If you think you’ve got something wrong, ask your accountant for support. 6. File Your Self-Assessment and VAT Returns On-Time HMRC is more likely to want to review your affairs if you regularly file your tax returns later. So reme...