Form SA100 – Self Assessment Tax Return The SA100 form, the HMRC Self-Assessment Tax Return, covers income, capital gains, student loans, interest, and pensions. If declaring capital gains or losses, mark box 7 on the SA100 and include the SA108 form, the Capital Gains Summary....
Can bold print note be put on the new CT41G form advising if Agent/Accountant is acting that the form should be passed immediately to them as there may otherwise be a delay in a UTR being set up. Reply: WW has passed this as a suggestion to the NWTT for it to be considered. AP8...
The new paper P45 form, which includes the DOB and Gender fields, and the new P46 (Pension), which replaced the P160 and PENNOT, were introduced in April 2009. In April 2008, PeopleSoft implemented several format changes and added new validation rules to address the new requirements. Starti...