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RTI CIS Pension P11D Previous Years payment rectification MTD VAT CT iXBRL Accounts Companies house PAYE E filing Services online for UK Certified by HMRC and CH
These details are available on the HMRC bank account guidance which also includes the account details needed if you pay PAYE to HMRC using a non UK bank Account. See link: For information on Security for Agents
You only pay if you want to use our service to file your tax return with HMRC or annual accounts with Companies House. However, there is no obligation to use our premium service. Q: Can you deal with HMRC about my tax affairs? Q: How do I pay? Q: Can I pay upfront? Q: ...
Electrician's campaign - The latest HMRC disclosure opportunity, giving electricians a chance to pay their back taxes, begins today 3. New on line video called dump the dummys - HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has launched a new online video to help employers reduce the problems caused by ...
PMN: Relaxation of reporting arrangements for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees This is a temporary relaxation intended to give some extra time for filing to small businesses that pay weekly (or more frequently) but who only run their payroll (or use an agent to run their payroll)...