If you have not yet received your VAT Registration number then please contact our Helpline on +44 2920 501 261 so that we can send out your VAT Certificate. With your VAT number you can then connect your software to submit the returns you need, Any assessments you have received will be ...
Please contact HMRC atonlineselling.compliance@hmrc.gsi.gov.ukto resolve your VAT status. Your HMRC Case Reference number is CFSS-2844679 and you should quote this reference number in all correspondence with HMRC. Once HMRC informs us that their notice has been withdrawn, we may allow you to s...
最近有不少卖家的后台有收到亚马逊的提示,要求填写VAT税号,据亚马逊内部人士透露,在HMRC的步步紧逼下,欧洲VAT税号注册和添加已刻不容缓。 VAT税号的注册和添加早已不是空穴来风,很多卖家之所以没有注册或者没有添加,无非是抱着侥幸的心理,觉得自己的账号营业额不高,应该不会被查到,但从最近一些卖家反映的情况来看,...
Features Bill & Get Paid Invoicing Payments Time Tracking Accounting & Taxes Accounting Expenses & Receipts Reports Online Accountants VAT Client Communication Projects Proposals Estimates Clients Business Apps AppStore iOS & Android Apps Small Businesses Business Size Freelancers Self-Employed Professionals Bus...
I have spent 10's of hours trying to sort out why my VAT return was changed by HMRC, apparently it cant be changed yet it has been changed. Fraudulent activity from HMRC just about sums up the government as a whole. looking forward to moving out of this country. Date of experience: ...
With inflation at over 5% in the last 2 years, the current pay freeze on Civil Servants pay actually represents a real terms pay cut of at least 10%. Probably more when you take account of rising costs. We have also had an increase in National Insurance contributions and VAT. Aberdeen PC...
The HMRC may contact customers by email for research reasons on subjects like VAT obligations and National Insurance. HMRC scam warning - these are the ways you can protect yourself; The gov.uk website has released a fresh list of ways the HMRC could contact people after the latest round of...
This is our second year using Basetax and he takes all the stress out of us trying to fill out our own forms. Very professional and replies immediately. Highly recommend. Chat support at Basetax Efficient and friendly when I was trying to do my tax return late on a Sunday evening bef...
Your privacy We have to collect some data when you use this website so it works and is secure. We'd also like your consent to collect data to study how people use our site. Doing so helps us improve our services and allows us to tailor the marketing you see on our site. Select '...
What do you want to tell us about?Tick all boxes that apply Changes to business contact details complete section 1 Change VAT Return dates complete section 3 Change bank details complete section 2 Transfer of the business complete section 4 VAT...