The top five common reasons for calling the helpline are: I no longer need to complete a self-assessment tax return I need to register for self-assessment Can you tell me if I still have to complete a tax return? What’s happening with my self-assessment registration? What’s happ...
The article presents the performance of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs' helpline, Business Payment Support Service (BPSS), in Great Britain. It received approximately 28,800 calls from companies which are struggling to pay their tax bills. The BPSS already granted 14,200 extensions to tax ...
If you think you’ve gone over your personal savings allowance, you can ask HMRC about settling the tax owed by calling itsIncome Tax helpline, or by sending a letter. Have these details handy: name of the financial institution, or institutions ...
If your company is experiencing VAT and PAYE arrears or unpaid tax, our range of services can assist you with: Time to Pay schemes HMRC Payment Demands Threat of bailiffs Winding up Petitions Unfair Penalties Moorfields’ Business Support Team specializes in providing confidential assistance and supp...
last year and some to … Those that are unprepared will face trouble with HMRC, a tax expert has warned. You can use these bank details to pay HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) by Faster Payments, Bacs, or CHAPS. If you are paid through the PAYE system you can update them online. If ...
Discover what a UTR number is in the UK, its importance for tax purposes, and how to obtain one for your business.