However, you can’t use your personal account for everything. For example, you must report and pay capital gains tax through a different account. HMRC tax return for the self-employed Employees paid using pay as you earn (PAYE) can sign into their personal tax accounts to check and amend...
About 11m people now fill out self-assessment returns. The taxpayer, or their accountant, has to keep records and collate a wide range of information. Bank interest certificates, for example, rental statements from letting agents, pension contributions summaries, dividend records, charity donations an...
With inflation at over 5% in the last 2 years, the current pay freeze on Civil Servants pay actually represents a real terms pay cut of at least 10%. Probably more when you take account of rising costs. We have also had an increase in National Insurance contributions and VAT. Aberdeen PC...
Effects those who currently make payments to Shipley. These details are available on the HMRC bank account guidance which also includes the account details needed if you pay PAYE to HMRC using a non UK bank Account. See link: For information on...
I paid at the time and the account shows I owe the amount in one place, on another it shows I owe it but I also have that much in credit and in another place there's a random £50ish amount that I don't understand at all. I wouldn't mi...