a tax expert has warned. You can use these bank details to pay HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) by Faster Payments, Bacs, or CHAPS. If you are paid through the PAYE system you can update them online. If you do not have an PPE yet and miss this deadline, it is possible to make a ...
Yes, self-employed and sole traders can claim mileage expenses. HMRC acknowledges mileage expenses are a common cost in business. They offer two options to make such a claim. The flat-rate scheme simplifies the process for some. For others, the best way is to claim the actual vehicle expens...
Please input the name of the individual who will be emailing HMRC for the Joint NIC Election approval on behalf of the company e.g. director of the company. This person will receive the approval confirmation as well as the PAYE reference number. ...
Tax investigations are more common for certain kinds of taxes than others. If your business is VAT-registered, or you hire and pay employees through PAYE, you should be prepared for routine tax checks. HMRC will want to look closely at any areas where mistakes are common. For income tax an...