The telephone number is:0300 200 3887 Opening times are 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. For Self Assessment and Tax Credit queries, lines are also open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday.
A list of regularly used HMRC contact information, including telephone numbers, online contact options and postal addresses, together with a number of tips. This information will help direct tax agents to the appropriate point of contact within HMRC.
Worse, with the call centre still short-staffed amid the pandemic, contacting the right person could take far longer than usual. Advertisement. This is called a pay as you earn (PAYE) “notice of coding” and you should check the details, just in case. hmrc basic paye tools; hmrc basic ...
Date of Meeting Group Name Chair: HMRC Lead Agent Lead (If applicable) 14 March 2013 Bournemouth and Dorchester Group Jane Rose (JR) HMRC Local Comp SME Agent Representatives attending Jonathan Stride (JS) Lanham & Francis Chartered Accountants Luke Wheal (LW) File Knapper LLP Ian Carrington (...
What our users say about our service Common questions Stay in touch You will be in good company Sign up for our mailing list for key updates and tax tips. send Contact us Name Email Subject Type Subject Telephone number Detail Sendsend...