Ratliff《Hmong-Mien language history》讀書筆記(六)—— 原始苗瑶语的CR辅音丛 刘欣然 16 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 前言 总结 零 一些约定俗成 一 唇音 1.1 黔东苗语能分hl 和 phl,以及mphl- 在黔东和湘西的表现 1.2 新声母:pʰɭ ...
必应词典为您提供hmong-mien-languages的释义,网络释义: 苗瑶语系;赫蒙-勉语言;苗瑶语族;
^來源:STEDThttps://stedt.berkeley.edu/~stedt-cgi/rootcanal.pl/etymon/2636 ^abcA study of cognates between Gyalrong languages and Old Chinese ^來源:漢語多功能字庫https://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/lexi-mf/search.php?word=%E9%89%9B ^人在汉苗之间——贵州白语支族群的残迹https://zhuanl...
出版年:2010 页数:298 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780858836150 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· This book presents a new reconstruction of Proto Hmong-Mien, the ancestor language of the modern Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao) languages of southern China and no...
He was an inspiration to me—not only because he could think (and almost speak) in protolanguages, but also because he took such joy in his work. I would like to thank my colleague Liu Haiyong for bringing me the best gift I have ever received: a copy of Wang Fushi and Mao ...
Hmong-Mien languages A-Hmao,Dananshan Miao,Hmong,Hmong Dau,Hmong Njau,Hmu,Iu Mien,Luobohe Miao,Mashan Miao,She,Xong Languages written with the Latin alphabet Page last modified: 09.09.22 Buy me a coffee [top] You can support this site byBuying Me A Coffee, and if you like what you ...
On Phylogeny and Classification of the Hmong-Mien languagesNo article summary included北京大学2012演化语言学国际研讨会田口善久Taguchi, Yoshihisa. 2012. On the Phylogeny of the Hmong-Mien languages. Paper presented at the Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics, November 9-11, 2012, Peking University....
a.A member of any of various Hmong-Mien-speaking peoples of southern China and Southeast Asia, including the Hmong Daw and the Mong. b.A person of Hmong ancestry. c.Any of the Hmong-Mien languages of spoken by the Hmong. 2.SeeHmong Daw. ...
前文回顧: 刘欣然:Ratliff《Hmong-Mien language history》讀書筆記(三)今天我們來聊聊原始苗瑤語複輔音的問題。 衆所周知,現代苗瑤語存在複輔音,所以諸多搆擬為原始苗瑤語也安上了複輔音。但是,在Ratliff…
Hmong-Mien languages summary Quizzes Languages & Alphabets Read Next 7 Everyday English Idioms and Where They Come From The World’s 5 Most Commonly Used Writing Systems Why Do Languages Die? Discover 5 Weird Facts About Venus U.S. Death Toll During Major Events ...