Our next-generation business health plans are accessible, customer-focused and tech-driven. We champion preventive healthcare for your teams.
Definition A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a type of health care plan that provides a full range of healthcare services to its members. It offers prepaid, comprehensive health coverage for both hospital and physician services. An HMO contracts with healthcare providers, e. ...
英文:We need to collaborate with HMO providers to ensure our employees have access to high-quality healthcare. 英文同义表达: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) 可以简称为 HMO,也可用 full-service healthcare organization 来表达类似的概念。 在某些上下文中,HMO 可能指...
We are Nigeria's leading HMO offering quality and affordable healthcare services across the country... At IHMS Nigeria, your wellness comes first.
盖辛格成功的法宝就两条,Quality and Cost-Containment(医疗质量与费用遏制),首先盖辛格可以被定义为integrated delivery system (IDS)(整合式医疗服务交付体系),换句话说这就是a self-contained healthcare ecosystem including administration, payer, and providers to contain the entire patient experience(自给自足的生...
3 管理保健 管理保健组织ManagedCareOrganization 将医疗服务的提供和收费相结合;医疗服务的提供者收取保险费,同时分担财务风险linksprovisionandpaymentforservice;premiumchargedandfinancialrisksharedwithproviders 按服务项目收费Fee-for-service(FFS)20服21/3/务10提供者根据所提供的每一项服务向患4 医疗博弈三角 保险...
Redcare Health Services Limited (HMO) is a limited liability company that offers qualitative healthcare services for individuals, families, and companies.
PPO的会员也可以选择网络外的医疗机构(out-of-network providers),但个人自费的比例比较高,保险公司报销医疗费用的比例相应更低。而且,在网络外的医疗机构看病也不能获得医疗服务优惠折扣,这样医疗费用就更高。PPO的优点是它给予您更多的选择性。投保人不需要指定基础保健医生,看专科医生也不需要通过...
PPO的会员也可以选择网络外的医疗机构〔out-of-networkproviders〕,但个人自费的比例比拟高,保险公司报销医疗费用的比例相应更低。而且,在网络外的医疗机构看病也不能获得医疗效劳优惠折扣,这样医疗费用就更高。 PPO的优点是它给予您更多的选择性。投保人不需要指定根底保健医生,看专科医生也不需要通过根底保健医生转诊...