Hmmsim 2 - Train Simulator - Train simulation game Hmmsim has become new and diverse! In Hmmsim 2, advanced graphics, new map, outer view of train, dynamic trains and scoring mode has...
Train simulation game Hmmsim has become new and diverse!In Hmmsim 2, advanced graphics, new map, outer view of train, dynamic trains and scoring mode has been added.Also, the performance in BVE Add-On operation has been upgraded, and animation file and doppler sound is available.Hmmsim 2 fe...
Train simulation game Hmmsim has become new and diverse! In Hmmsim 2, advanced graphics, new map, outer view of train, dynamic trains and scoring mode has been added. Also, the performance in BVE Add-On operation has been upgraded, and animation file and doppler sound is available. ...
Train simulation game Hmmsim has become new and diverse! In Hmmsim 2, advanced graphics, new map, outer view of train, dynamic trains and scoring mode has been added. Also, the performance in BVE Add-On operation has been upgraded, and animation file and doppler sound is available. ...
Hmmsim 2 - Train Simulator - the second part of the famous simulator that came to us from Korea. Take control of the train in the subway and transport
Hmmsim2广州版是一款采用了真实广州地形的模拟驾驶游戏,游戏中你需要去根据广州的地形图来规划处你要行进的路线,游戏中的玩法有趣,操作简单,体验当一个驾驶员的乐趣,快来开启你令人兴奋的驾驶时刻吧。 Hmmsim2:Train Simulator在延续前作之后加入了丰富的游戏玩法。丰富的关卡加上惊险刺激的列车换轨让玩家精神紧绷。
Details Description: Overview Platforms: iOS (iPhone/iPad) Initial Release Date:Jun 11, 2015 Developer: Jemin Hwang Publisher:Jemin Hwang Genres: Train Sim
列车模拟2是一款驾驶模拟类手游,游戏的模拟对象是常用交通工具有轨列车,游戏完美还原了列车的真实驾驶情况,非常有趣。 官方介绍 列车模拟2手机安卓版 Hmmsim2 Train simulator 在延续前作之后加入了丰富的游戏玩法。丰富的关卡加上惊险刺激的列车换轨让玩家精神紧绷。游戏将为你带来前所未有的逼真列车驾驶体验!欢迎来驾...
Hmmsim, the first Train Simulation game ever built in Korea, has been realized in mobile. Hmmsim features basic route based on Seoulmetro Line 2, realized in the highest level of graphic. Experience the metro operation. Also, for the first time in mobile Train Simulation game, Hmmsim can add...
iPhone 简介 Hmmsim, the first Train Simulation game ever built in Korea, has been realized in mobile. Hmmsim features basic route based on Seoulmetro Line 2, realized in the highest level of graphic. Experience the metro operation. Also, for the first time in mobile Train Simulation game, Hm...