Let's break the sentence down to understand what it means. Hmmm.. is basically a filler word like えっと... (etto...) 'I am pretty good' means that I am doing good or I am fine (something like げんき です). It is a usual reply to "how are you?" ...
Alternatively, you can do the dump lookup by hand: - In debugging dumps like the above, it helps enormously if you can look up what the EIP value means. The hex value as such doesn't help me or anybody else very much: it will depend on your particular kernel setup. What you should...
Alternatively, you can do the dump lookup by hand: - In debugging dumps like the above, it helps enormously if you can look up what the EIP value means. The hex value as such doesn't help me or anybody else very much: it will depend on your particular kernel setup. What you should...