Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
1. 表示思考或犹豫的声音 在对话中,当某人沉默并用"Hmm"来表示思考、犹豫或在组织他们的回答时,"Hmm"充当了一个思考的声音。这是一种非言语的沟通方式,显示了说话者在深入思考问题、权衡选项或寻找恰当的回应。二、享受的象声词 美味与美妙 2. 享受美食或美妙体验的表达 在描述享受美味佳肴或美妙...
hmm在不同语境下的意思不同,相当于中文聊天中的:“嗯、考虑看看、无语、呻吟等等”,主要有以下意思:1、同意 ;2、怀疑 ;3、犹豫;4、(拖延时间发出的)嗯嗯声 ;5、满意。hmm是英文里的一个象声词,读音跟”恩“一样,不过音要拉长一点。
翻译结果: hmm的中文翻译是“嗯”、“呃”或“哼”。 应用场景: hmm通常在对话中表示思考、犹豫、疑惑或简单的回应。它不是一个具有明确意义的词,而是一个表达声音的词语,常用来传达某种情绪或态度。 造句例句: Hmm, I'm not sure about that. Let me check. (嗯,我...
Hmmm. I see. Hmm. What day is it? HMO HMMWV相关列句 Hmm, I'm not so sure.(噢,我不是很确定。) Hmm: Was he trying to tell me something?(恩,他是想告诉我什么吗?) Hmm, what happened? Boy!(看什么发生了?!) “Hmm, ” I said. “It’s possible.”(“唔,”我说,“可能是...
The script examples/run_HMMMAR.m is a template script that specifies some basic options depending on the specified data modality and, provided that the user has already loaded the data in the right format (see the script for details), runs the HMM-MAR and gets some basic information out ...
hmm 这个单词的口语发音是 :英 [həm] 美 [həm] ,读音跟“嗯”相似,不过音要拉长一点。 “hmm”在口语中是一个常见的象声词,通常用来表示思考、犹豫、不确定或者轻微的不赞同。它的词性属于感叹词。 以下是一些例句来帮助您更好地理解其用法和含义: 1. “Hmm, I'm not sure about that.” (嗯,...
function hmm = mlhmmmar (X,T,hmm0,Gamma,completelags) % Given the state time courses estimation, does a last estimation of each MAR using (local) ML % % INPUT % X observations % T length of series % hmm0 HMM-MAR structure % Gamma p(state given X) - has to be fully ...
Alternative names Hmmm Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Learn more about contributing Edit page List IMDb's Guide to TV in 2025 See the guide How much have you seen? Keep track of how much of Hmm’s work you have seen.Go to your list. ...
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