HMM Customer Support If you are not able to find your shipment, then you may call or drop an email to the HMM customer support at below given contact number and they will help you out. Phone Number: 82-52-261-5377 Fax Number: 82-2-733-8914 Email: Website:https...
1.Nameandphonenumberofservicetechnician 2.Dateofservice 3.Dateonwhichthemachinefailed 4.Dateofpurchase 5.FailingFRUnameandpartnumber 6.Machype,modelnumber,andserialnumber 7.Customersnameandaddress Note:Duringthewarrantyperiod,thecustomermayberesponsibleforrepaircostsifthetabletdamage ...
1.Nameandphonenumberofservicetechnician 2.Dateofservice 3.Dateonwhichthemachinefailed 4.Dateofpurchase 5.Failuresymptoms,errorcodesappearingonthedisplay,andbeepsymptoms 6.ProcedureindexandpagenumberinwhichthefailingFRUwasdetected 7.FailingFRUnameandpartnumber 8.Machinetype,modelnumber,andserialnumber 9.Custo...
Chapter6“Symptom-to-FRUindex”onpage59andChapter9“Additionalserviceinformation”onpage119 arenotspecifctoanymachinetypeandareapplicabletoallThinkCentrecomputers. FormajorFieldReplaceableUnits(FRU)locationsandCustomerReplaceableUnit(CRU)identifcation, seeChapter7“Locations”onpage65. ForFRUreplacementinstructions...
多品牌pc拆装联想笔记本6系列u165hmm.pdf,IdeaPad U160/U165 Hardware Maintenance Manual Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to t eral information under “Notices” on page 76. First Edition (April 2010) © Copyright Le
520i upgrade key* 1 23 ThinkServer Trusted Platform Module 1 20 PCIe card* 1 22 ThinkServer RAID 720i Modular Flash or ThinkServer RAID 720i Modular DRAM Upgrade* 1 Notes: • * Available on some models • 1 Self-service CRUs: Parts to be installed or replaced by customer themselves. ...
Name and phone number of service technician 2. Date of service 3. Date on which the machine failed 4. Date of purchase 5. Failure symptoms, error codes appearing on the display, and beep symptoms 6. Procedure index and page number in which the failing FRU was detected 7. Failing FRU ...
After sells service First, you need send picture or video to us, let us make sure what's problem about the product, If this problem can use parts to solve, we will send the replacements in free and bear the shipping fee, if the problem cannt solve, We will give u...
Good customer service is our core value. Quality Control Quality assurance is the most important in our company.We are very conscious about the quality for all our clothing products. 1) using best quality raw materials that ensure customers satisfaction; 2) checking our...
OEM/ODM Service 1 If the total order quantities are above 50pcs, we can silk-screen print customer's logo on the products, and put customer's model numbers in the labels and boxes by free of charge. 2. We accept ODM projects, and welcome your enquiri...