HMLP said it intends to settle the purchase price with a combination of cash on hand and a drawing under its existing revolving credit facility. HMLP said its strategy is to own, operate and acquire FSRUs and associated LNG infrastructure assets under long-term charters. Hoegh LNG Partners to...
HMLP是一种缩写,其全称为Hazardous Materials Loading Platform,翻译过来即为危险货物装载平台。它是为了安全地装卸危险货物而设计的设备,广泛应用于航空运输、铁路运输、公路运输等行业。在危险货物的装载和卸载过程中,HMLP可以提供可靠的保障,让工作人员免受危险物质的侵害,也保证了物流的安全性。HMLP主...
爱企查为您提供鸿蒙HMLP 输电线路工频参数测试系统 快速 准确地测量工频参数,鸿蒙电力(武汉)有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。测试系统;测试系统批发;测试系统行情报价;测试系统价格;测试系统底价;测试系统图片;测试系统厂家;测试系统生产厂家;测试
2) heuristic molecular lipophilicity potential (HMLP) 启发式亲脂势(HMLP) 3) hydrophile-lyophile balance 亲水亲脂平衡 4) lypohydrophilic character 亲水亲脂特性 5) amphipath 亲水脂分子 6) hydrophilic (phospholipid) 亲水的(磷脂) 补充资料:儒门事亲 ...
HMLP (High Performance Machine Learning Primitives) is a portable framework that provides high-performance, memory-efficient matrix-matrix multiplication like operations and their extension based on the BLIS framework. Depending on your need, you may only require the basic features if you just want to...
$Hoegh Lng(HMLP)$6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001104659-22-101438 Act: 34 Size: 20 KB网页链接 其他 $Hoegh Lng(HMLP)$SC 13E3/A [Amend] Going private transaction by certain issuers Accession Number: 0001104659-22-094332 Act: 34 Size: 66 MB...
1. 亲脂势 启发式亲脂势(HMLP) 亲脂性抽出物 亲脂-亲水势(HMLP) 疏水亲脂作用 亲脂性铜络合物 亲水亲脂平衡 亲水亲脂特性 亲脂 …|基于2个网页 2. 本田经理培训讲划 ... 评估 评估 项目管理七个过程(案例) 项目名称:本田经理培训讲划(HMLP) 背景:为实现本田2010年的远景目标:成为...
By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to theTerms of Use&Privacy Policy HMLPHöegh LNG Partners LP Stock Price & Overview Follow5.5K followers HMLP is defunct since September 26, 2022. Summary AllAll AnalysisAnalysis ...
Hoegh LNG Partners LP(HMLP)股吧,股民朋友可以在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东方财富股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。
基于表征氨基酸性质的hmlp参数分别用直接替代法和加和替代法表征肽段的结构信息采用留一法交叉检验利用支持向量回归svr构建了36个二肽辛醇水分配系数logp的预测模型000175c200和000110c200结果表明加和替代法要好于直接替代法且其留一法交叉检验的复相关系为08768其预测结果与实验值一致 基于HMLP参数的二肽logP值支持...