Whist the building of the Britannic was greatly delayed, which was due to the outcome of the court enquiry into the Titanic disaster and due to the results of the enquiry many additional safety features had to be added to the Britannic, even more than to the Olympic, which was due to ...
RMS Olympic(1910) andRMS Titanic(1911) had been built. TheHMHS (His Majesty's Hospital Ship) Britannicwas the third “wonder ship” to be built. There is some debate whether she was originally planned to be named "Gigantic", but as it can be seen on the name plate on the main pictur...
91Titanic 轻巡洋舰 9 存在时期级短的皇家邮轮毛里塔尼亚号医院船1915年状态,原件是airfix出的1986日版。这是我做过的第二只毛里塔尼亚号,依旧没有套改,用了大量的自制和通用PE,救生艇是朋友帮忙打3d印的,很艰难,医院船状态我看吧内甚至国内都没有做的,一些缝隙和胶痕依旧无法彻底消除,拉线部分也毫无悬念的松...
Especially The Sister-Ships of the Titanic, because ALL of Them are Over-shadowed by the Story of the Titanic... +1 4.8 years ago 426k realSavageMan Ok gotcha, didnt notice that @AnoniMosu 4.8 years ago 25.6k Mikan We can’t zoom out too far with mobile, taking picture of ...
为什么会有SS titanic 和RMS titanic 两种叫法?同样的问题也出现在姐姐和妹妹身上,难道RMS是主称,SS/HMHS是副称? 邹包包 奋力抢险 9 这是关于SS与RMS的,传送门:ht tp://oceanliner点uueasy点com/read-htm-tid-198-fpage-2-page-1点html对HMHS有一点提及这里就不用深入探讨啦 SS_Olympic 悲情...
In June 2007 Carl Spencer spoke to the Birmingham Post's Alison Jones about the exploration of HMHS Britannic. It is believed the ship hit a mine or was torpedoed, but mystery still surrounded the details of its sinking. Here are some of his thoughts about why Titanic's sister ship sank...