Third-grade teacher Alexandra Gray shares how ourInto Readingprogram puts a range of resources at her fingertips, saving her time and helping her engage all learners. Awards and accolades 2023 SIIA CODiE winner HMH ELA K–12 Connected Curriculum,Amira,Writable,Waggle ...
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HMH programs are grounded in scientifically based reading instruction designed to reach every learner. Select your grade level to get started. All Products Grades K–2 Grades 3–6 Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12 Amira Learning® HMH Into Literature® HMH Into Reading® HMH ¡Arriba la ...
两册学生套装美国Into Reading Student myBook Softcover Grade 小学语言艺术阅读四年级儿童读物原版书20 元优惠券 使用期限: 2025-02-28 去天猫领券两册学生套装 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请联系天猫卖家【大音图书音像...
Our integrated curriculum, assessment, and professional learning use data to paint a full picture of each student and identify options you can use to support them. Then our tools adapt and improve, based on what works. It’s dynamic learning for every grade and subject. From core curriculum ...
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Students who usedWritableshowed a 30% increase in end-of-year district reading and writing assessments. Explore Our Intervention Programs Our intervention solutions provide students with easy access to the tools they need to improve their skills and quickly get them back on grade level. ...
Find free teaching resources. Explore fun classroom activities, lessons plans, downloadables, and videos for Grade K–12 kids to keep learning and growing at grade level.
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Venn diagrams are a universal way to organize ideas and can be found throughout ourHMH Into ReadingandInto Literatureprograms. You’re more than likely familiar with this graphic organizer that’s used to compare ideas. This blog will discuss how students can use our free Venn diagram template...