Phylogenetic analysis showed the strongest relationship between SjHMG and its orthologs in brown algae. An alternatively spliced transcript (SjHMG isoform encoding a protein of 256 amino acid residues was also identified. The two isoforms were specific for male gametophytes. A real‐time quantitative ...
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In addition, the abundance of SjHMG isoform-2 transcripts was significantly lower than that of SjHMG isoform-1 transcripts, and only an HMG-box domain was conserved among species in the order Laminariales, which indicated that the gene is specifically involved in sex regulation in some species ...
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Phylogenetic analysis showed the strongest relationship between SjHMG and its orthologs in brown algae. An alternatively spliced transcript (SjHMG isoform encoding a protein of 256 amino acid residues was also identified. The two isoforms were specific for male gametophytes. A real‐time quantitative ...
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