【HALO军械频道】HMG-38重机关枪 —— 叛军的落后火器 HMG-38 heavy machine gun / HMG-38重机关枪是UNSC武装部队和CMA海军陆战队过去曾使用的一种自动武器。 尊容 概述 设计细节 它于2338年作为重机枪投入使用,但后来被现代化改装并以监管步枪(Monitor Rifle)的身份进入CMA和UNSC服役。它被作为重型自动步枪配发至...
重机枪(HMG)架座:所有HMG架座都表现良好,一名参战人员指出的一个缺点是枢轴的牢固程度,沙子经常渗入枢轴,然后在某个位置卡住机枪不能转动,士兵需要使劲转动才能解决问题,建议考虑多沙环境下的可靠性问题。HMG : Heavy Machine Gun 重机枪重机枪
HMG-38 heavy machine gun / HMG-38重机关枪是24-25世纪UNSC陆军和CMA海军陆战队使用的一种自动武器。尊容概述设计细节它于2338年作为重机枪投入使用,但后来被现代化改装并以监管步枪(Monitor Rifle)的身份进入CMA和UNSC服役。它被作为重型自动步枪配发至CMA和UNSC二线陆
Rheinmetall details new-generation .50 calibre HMGRheinmetall Waffe Munition (RWM) has disclosed further details regarding the externally driven 1 2.7 mm x 99 (.50 calibre) heavy machine gun (HMG) that it is developing for the German Army.RUPERT PENGELLEY...
Posts 8 Bugs 1 Logs Stats About this mod Make HMG Great Again! Share Requirements Permissions and credits Requires CETUse Simple Weapon Stat Customization to change Damage & Attack SpeedUse Darkside's Militech Heavy Machine Gun Spawn Script to equip HMG anytime you wantVORTEX...
Type 85 HMG as mounted co-axial HMG aboard the Type 99 MBT. Type 85 HMG fitted inside a remote weapon station aboard the Type 99 MBT. Expand v•d•e Vehicles ofBattlefield 4 Trivia Despite being called W85, the machine gun model inBattlefield 2: Modern Combatis clearly inspired by...
Anim=ELITGUN 阿尼姆=伊丽莎白 Burst=2 突发=2 ;; Phantasm Weapon ;;幻影武器 [PhantasmMissiles] [幻影导弹] Damage=50 损坏=50 ROF=150 ROF=150 Range=10 范围=10 Burst=4 突发=4 Projectile=BaneP 投射物=BaneP Speed=80 速度=80 Warhead=PhantasmWH ...
HMG Higgins Music Group 希金斯音乐集团 HMG Her Majesty's Government 女王陛下的政府 HMG Heavy Machine Gun 重型机枪 HMG 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid 3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸 HMG Homing 归巢 HMG Hydraulically Motored Generator 液压马达发电机上
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