Science:发现褐藻和动物都存在雄性性别决定基因HMG-box HMG-box是一个DNA结合域,普遍存在于真核生物的染色质相关蛋白和转录因子中,包括人类的性别决定因子SRY和真菌的交配型决定因子。 在一项新的突破性研究中,来自德国马克斯-普朗克生物研究所的研究人员证实褐藻(brown algae)中的一个 HMG-box 基因对决定雄性至关重...
Science:发现褐藻和动物都存在雄性性别决定基因HMG-box HMG-box是一个DNA结合域,普遍存在于真核生物的染色质相关蛋白和转录因子中,包括人类的性别决定因子SRY和真菌的交配型决定因子。 在一项新的突破性研究中,来自德国马克斯-普朗克生物研究所的研究人员证实褐藻(brown algae)中的一个 HMG-box 基因对决定雄性至关重...
十多年前,在Susana Coelho博士的领导下,科学家们在褐藻的雄性 V 染色体中发现了一个性别特异性区域,其中包含一个编码 HMG-box 蛋白的基因,他们后来将其命名为 MIN(Male Inducer)。 HMG-box是一个DNA结合域,普遍存在于真核生物的染色质相关蛋白和转录因子中,包括人类的性别决定因子SRY和真菌的交配型决定因子。在...
2008. HMG-box domain stimulation of RAG1/2 cleavage activity is metal ion dependent. BMC Mol. Biol. 9:32Kriatchko AN, Bergeron S, Swanson PC. HMG-box domain stimulation of RAG1/2 cleavage activity is metal ion dependent. BMC Mol Biol. 2008; 9 :32. doi: 10.1186/1471-2199-9-32. ...
Results We show here that single HMG-box domains of HMGB1 stimulate RAG-mediated RSS cleavage in a concentration-dependent manner in the presence of Mn2+, but not Mg2+. Interestingly, the inability of a single HMG-box domain to stimulate RAG-mediated RSS cleavage in Mg2+ is overcome by the...
Solution structure of the first HMG-box domain from high mobility group protein B3 發表文獻 2007-03-30 Released: 2008-04-01 作者 Qin, X.R., Kurosaki, C., Yoshida, M., Hayahsi, F., Yokoyama, S., RIKEN Structural Genomics/Proteomics Initiative (RSGI) ...
The HMG (high mobility group) box is a DNA‐binding domain found in several transcription factors, that can in some cases bend DNA. Some members of this protein family recognize a unique DNA sequence, whereas others bind to a common DNA conformation. ...
2 结果和分析 2.1 LELCRP1蛋白结构分析 以香菇单核体全基因组测序数据为基础,将LELCRP1蛋白序列提交至NCBI Conserved Domain Search,分析LELCRP1蛋白的结构域组成(图1);LELCRP1蛋白包含532个AA,有1个Ashwin super family结构域(23-113)和1个HMG-box super family结构域(124-206),后者具有HMG-box型转录因子典...
Homology model building experiments on HMG-1 box sequences 'threaded' through the 1H-NMR structure of an HMG-1 box from rat indicate that the domain does not have rigid sequence requirements for its formation. Energy calculations indicate that the structure of all HMG-1 box domains is ...