作者: 加拿大皇家海军哈利法克斯级护卫舰“渥太华号”(HMCS Ottawa)于2月16日过航台湾海峡。 消息称,此为加拿大军舰今年首次穿越台湾海峡,也是加拿大自2022年11月发布所谓“印太战略”以来,第六次派遣军舰航经台海。
HMCS Ottawa is currently taking part in multinational exercise La Perouse 25, centered around a French Carrier Strike Group. The exercise involves nine partner nations and takes place in the coasts and straits between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean: Malacca, Sunda, and Lombok. During the...
加拿大海军护�舰「 渥太华号」( HMCS OTTAWA )昨日访港,在港停留五日至本周三(即大年初四),船上二百二十五位 …www.yinghanhuyi.org|基于21个网页 2. 号护卫舰 ...大今年建交50周年纪念,隶属加拿大海军的“渥太华“号护卫舰(HMCS OTTAWA)已由2月8日开始,在巴生南港靠岸至2月13 …news.sinchew.com.my|...
Hmcs Ottawa 作者: Lambert M·Surhone / Mariam T·Tennoe / Susan F·Henssonow 页数: 84 ISBN: 9783639900408 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Hmcs Ottawa的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛...
National Defence: Media Advisory - Pre-Departure Media Availability in HMCS Ottawa Wednesday.
【柬单网综合报道】据柬媒体消息,柬埔寨海军官员于1月30日向媒体透露,加拿大海军“渥太华”号护卫舰(HMCS Ottawa FFH-341)将于2月1日停靠柬埔寨西哈努克港,并展开为期4天的友好访问。 此次访问旨在加强柬加两国海军之间的友谊与合作。护卫舰由指挥官Adriano Lozer率领,舰上共有255名船员。 据悉,访问期间,加拿大...
Officers and soldiers of Chinese navy welcome a Canadian naval ship at a pier of Yangtze River in Shanghai, east China, May 26, 2017. Canadian naval ship HMCS Ottawa arrived in Shanghai on Friday for a 7-day visit. (Xinhua/Chen Fei) ...
According to Black, HMCS Ottawa’s mission is, “to promote freedom of navigation, strengthen relationships with regional partners as well as contribute to regional security.” While on the mission, Black is a victualler. He’s responsible for the procurement and management of food provi...
Ottawa, Sept. 26. – The Canadian armed merchant cruiser, Prince Robert, captured the German express cargo ship Weser off Manzanillo, Mexico, Honorable Angus Macdonald, navy minister announced today. The minister made his announcement to assembled Ottawa reporters, hastily called to receive the ...
Sidney Pegg was a 3rd Class Gun Layer aboard the destroyer HMCS Ottawa, one of the original six destroyers with which Canada went to war. Crews of 4 or 5 manned each of her three-inch guns. “As the Gun Layer, I adjusted the vertical aim,” Pegg related. “The Gun Trainer, to my...