如图1所示,该刻度尺的分度值是___ cm,物体的长度是___ cm,如图2所示温度计读数甲___ 乙___.1n『10110(mhhmmmmmm∩直言n|n日官
Designing navigation aids for older pedestrians could help them stay autonomous in their daily activities. Here we present a rich description of the navigation experience of older pedestrians either with visual (augmented reality glasses) or auditory (bone conduction headphones) wearable devices adapted ...
摘要: 共和田十位大将中,他是出身最苦的一位,也是战斗中负伤最多,最重的一人.在红四方面军中人称"徐老虎"国民党政府把他与毛泽东,朱德并列为通缉悬赏额最高的三个人,赏额均为25万块大洋解放后,他常年靠吸氧维持生命,但仍坚持领导编写战史.关键词:
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摘要: We study on-line bounded space bin-packing in the resource augmentation model of competitive analysis. In this model, the on-line bounded space packing algorithm has to pack a list L of items with ...关键词:Bin packing Online problems Repacking ...