👏 Doing It Right Example: Using Applitools to get snapshot comaprison and other advanced features import * as todoPage from '../page-objects/todo-page'; describe('visual validation', () => { before(() => todoPage.navigate()); beforeEach(() => cy.eyesOpen({ appName: 'TAU TodoMVC...
Prison work. #22 to #5 - lucavex Reply+9 I would rather be a garbarman than work retail or food service 100%. I worked food service one day and would literally rather eat a bullet than spend another day there. #15 to #5 - bootyquaker Reply0 [-] --- take which forces...
Scottish Prison ServiceRelatives are being allowed into the country’s jails for the first time since lockdown began. 停更再见4.7.0 | 厘米天空 - Cmsky:2021-7-28 · 下载地址 我的微信公众号 我的微信公众号扫一扫 赞 24 赏 分享 50 158,837 views A+ 所属分类 ... 楼主我想请教一下,为...