Finding these tm/hm manually in their location in Pokemon Emerald takes forever. With the help of cheats, you can have all of them without a problem. Also, you might want to check our collection ofPokemon emerald cheatsto find out which other cheat codes are useful for your game. Whether ...
??HMTGF?? Information Source(s)Pelican Town(Secret) Sell PriceCannot be sold ??HMTGF??is a secret piece offurnitureobtained by placing aSuper Cucumberin the brown box located north of theBlacksmith's shop, inside the fenced area. A hole in the fence allowing access to the box is hidden...
III Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, FireRed/LeafGreen Rustboro City, SS Anne in Vermilion City Received from Cutter in his house. Similar to Gen I, from the captain of the SS Anne. IV Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, HeartGold/SoulSilver Eterna City, Ilex Forest Received from Cynthia after defeating the Eter...
Vowing to return a mysterious emerald necklace sent by an aunt she’s never met, she’ll have to rely on the help of friends to face the past and defeat an ancient foe. It’s a good thing she’s got the stubbornness and cunning of a fox to see her through because if she doesn’...
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