The acceptance of the NDA for RA of HLX01 (rituximab injection) by NMPA indicates that the product is expected to demonstrate its clinical benefit in the field of rheumatology and immunology. Considering the advantages of...
(14).You make the decisions that affect your life.You may not be able to change your environment, but you are able to change the way you react to it. A. They fail to realize that their worst enemy lies within themselves B. However, life rarely gives people a break. C. However,...
Fetuses with hypotrophy (FGR, fetal growth restriction) are too small for their gestational age and may be prone to various diseases and loss of life. This study aimed to determine the role of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), located in two homeotic and two angiogenesis-related genes, ...
期刊被引半衰期:也叫“cited half-life”,是一个衡量期刊影响力的重要指标,这个指标的值越低,说明该期刊的文章越新,反之则说明该期刊的文章比较老旧。 期刊引用半衰期:指某一期刊平均引用多久以前的论文。计算方法是从当年往前累计,当引用的论文篇数达到全部的50%时,该篇论文的出版年到当年的间隔年数即为此期刊的...
Durable and long service life. Wedge Wire Screen Types: Panel shape wedge wire screen; Cylinder shape wedge wire; Wedge wire grids; Wedge wire nozzle. Panel shape wedge wire screen Cylinder shape wedge wire Specification Material: stainless steel, hastelloy steel, n...
Age-related macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of visual impairment and blindness in the elderly worldwide[1]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 30 million people have suffered from ...