1.实验目的 通过例程探索Vivado HLS设计流 用图形用户界面和TCL脚本两种方式创建Vivado HLS项目 用各种HLS指令综合接口 优化Vivado HLS设计来满足各种约束 用不用的指令来探索多个HLS解决方案 2.实验内容 实验中文件中包含一个矩阵乘法器的实现,实现两个矩阵inA和inB相乘得出结果,并且提供了一个包含了计算结果的testbe...
set_top matrix_mult # 创建解决方案 open_solution-reset solution1 # 选择具体的FPGA芯片配置 set_part{xc7z010clg400-1}create_clock-period5# 模拟C代码 csim_design exit 3.2.3.在Vivado HLS命令行运行TCL脚本 在刚刚打开的Vivado HLS命令行界面中输入cd <脚本及源文件所在绝对路径>,然后输入目录所在盘符,...
set all_solution [list no_directive pipeline unroll unroll_2 unroll_4 unroll_5 unroll_10 ] set all_directive [list no_directive pipeline unroll unroll_2 unroll_4 unroll_5 unroll_10 ] foreach solution $all_solution directive $all_directive { open_solution -reset $solution set_part {xc7z020...
set_part $ SOLUTION_PART#设置解决方案部分 create_clock -period $SOLUTION_CLKP#设置项目目标时钟周期 4. c-sim: 本部分通过将 HLS IP 和 Testbench 设计发送给编译器进行编译和执行,来执行 HLS 流的 C仿真阶段。此命令用于设置编译器链接器标志和 testbench 文件,以及: ...
INFO: [HLS 200-1510] Running: set_part xcvu13p-fhgb2104-2-i INFO: [HLS 200-1510] Running: create_clock -period 10 -name default INFO: [HLS 200-1510] Running: config_export -display_name mprd -format ip_catalog -output /home/xilinx/Desktop/hls_work/max_power_region_detect/export...
音视频八股文(10)-- mp4结构 ffmpeg mp4⽂件格式⼜被称为MPEG-4 Part 14,出⾃MPEG-4标准第14部分 。它是⼀种多媒体格式容器,⼴泛⽤于包装视频和⾳频数据流、海报、字幕和元数据等。(顺便⼀提,⽬前流⾏的视频编码格式AVC/H264 福大大架构师每日一题 2023/05/05 9030 ...
The maximum image size (HEIGHT and WIDTH) set in config.h file should be equal to the actual input image size. AXI Video Interface Functions Vitis vision具有将 xf::cv::Mat转换为Xilinx®Video Streaming interface 的功能,反之亦然。 xf::cv::AXIvideo2xfMat() 和 xf::cv::xfMat2AXIVideo(...
In the Performance Estimates pane, you can see that the clock period is set to 10 ns. Vivado HLS targets a clock period of Clock Target minus Clock Uncertainty. The resource utilization numbers are estimates because RTL synthesis might be able to perform additional optimizations, and these figure...
C/S:HandshakeC:Set Chunk Size4096+ConnectApp()tcUrl=xxxS:Ack Size2500,000S:ConnectApp()_result+Set Peer Bandwidth+Set Chunk Size60,000C:_checkbw()S:_checkbw()_resultC:createStream()S:createStream()_resultC:FCPublish()S:FCPublish()_resultC:publish()S:onFCPublish()S:onStatus()---...
Description Reduces the initiation interval (II) for a function or loop by allowing the concurrent execution of operations. The default type of pipeline is defined by the config_compile -pipeline_style command, but can be overridden in the PIPELINE pragm