HLRSHöchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (German: High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart; University of Stuttgart) Stuttgart; Germany) HLRSHomosexual Law Reform Society(London, England - 1958 to 1970) HLRSHouston Lawyer Referral Service(Texas) ...
” said Prof. Michael Resch, HLRS Director. “High-performance computing centers like HLRS unavoidably require large amounts of energy and other resources for the operation and cooling of our machines. Considering climate change and other threats to our environment, it is imperative that the...
performance computing (HPC) center, the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) has grown to become not just a key facility of the University of Stuttgart but also an internationally prominent center for research involving simulation, visualization, and data analytics. Today, HLRS marks [...
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豪朗时ATELIER 工坊系列HLRS 02男士腕表,钛金属表壳,乳白色表盘,表径为42 x 46 x 12.8毫米,厚度为12.8毫米,内置手动机械,零售价格为0元
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