These criteria have since been extrapolated to diagnose adult secondary HLH despite their questionable generalizability. It remains unclear whether these diagnostic criteria are truly applicable among adult secondary cases, and rigorous evidence for their use among such patients is lacking. This review ...
IM并发HLH发生率4.3%;;parameters;肝肾功能损害、甘油三酯水平、凝血功能异常和顽固性低钠血症是死亡的高危因素;149 HLH childhood cases diagnosed between 2006.01 and 2012.04, based on HLH-2004 diagnostic criteria;Fever:100% Hepatomegly: 80.5% Splenomegaly: 75.2% Respiratory symptoms: 53.0% Effusion: 47.6...
况肝 炎和肝功能损害已纳入临床诊断标 准低 钠血症为 HLH常 见实验室异常,具有临床预后评估价 值噬 血细胞现象尽管为 HLH显 著病理学特征,但并无特异性,支持 HLH的 诊断,但并非确诊依据Proposed HLH diagnostic criteria, 2009Molecular diagnosis of HLH or X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP).Or at ...
and the clinical data of patients hospitalized in the same period being identified with hemophagocytosis but excluded HLH were analysed.The diagnostic criteria were according to the HLH-2004 protocol.Results ① 61 patients were diagnosed with HLH,among them 56 patients had hemophagocytosis in their ...
强调临床诊断证据 强调综合考虑多种诊断指标及其病程中的发展情况 肝炎和肝功能损害已纳入临床诊断标准 低钠血症为HLH常见实验室异常,具有临床预后评估价值 噬血细胞现象尽管为HLH显著病理学特征,但并无特异性,支持HLH的诊断,但并非确诊依据 Proposed HLH diagnostic criteria, 2009 Molecular diagnosis of HLH or X-...
PrimarydiagnosticcriteriareportA-1RegistrationformA-2Follow-upreportforms(2mo(6mo)1yr,2yrandonwards)A-4SCTfollow-upreportforms(day+100,+1yrandonwards)A-12MortalityreportformA-16SeriousadverseeventformA-17AddressesforbiologicalstudiesA-19Parental/patientinformationandconsentformA-20HLH-2004,Jan20043 STUDYCO...
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人促黄体生成激素(hLH)是一种糖蛋白激素,分子量约为30,000道尔顿,由两个非共价结合的不同亚单位组成。其α亚单位有89 … www.yp900.com|基于789个网页 2. 噬血细胞综合征 家族性噬血细胞综合征(HLH)相关的免疫基因缺陷 (2011-10-06 18:02) 转载▼ 儿童慢性活动性EB病毒感染(北京协和医院) (20… ...
Diagnostic Criteria Clinical criteria: fever, splenomegaly. Laboratory Criteria Cytopenia (> 2 of 3 cell lines) Hgb < 9 gm/dl, plts < 100, anc < 1000 High triglycerides (> 3SD of normal for age) +/- low fibrinogen (<150) Pathology Criteria ...