•平均 mHLA-DR 表达:19976 AB/C•标准偏差:1846 AB/C•变异系数:9.2% 参考文献:Gossez M, Bonnet B, Boussaid I, et al. Multicenter inter-laboratory quality control of monocyte HLA-DR expression by flow cytometry. Cytometry B C...
High Expression of Tumor HLA-DR Predicts Better Prognosis and Responseto Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 论文推送 · 内容亮点 | Highlights 人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen, HLA)又称人类主要组织...
We showed that HLA-DR expression in ECC is correlated with T cell infiltration, and that a set of ADCs with high abundance of HLA-DR+ ECCc and T cells is enriched in LPS samples. This suggests new insights into the role of antigen presenting tumor cells in tumorigenesis....
•平均 mHLA-DR 表达:19976 AB/C•标准偏差:1846 AB/C•变异系数:9.2% 参考文献:Gossez M, Bonnet B, Boussaid I, et al. Multicenter inter-laboratory quality control of monocyte HLA-DR expression by flow cytometry. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. Published online June 24, 2024. doi:10.1002/cyto....
Expression of CD14 + HLA-DR low/- monocytes in peripheral blood of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and its significance Xiu Bing Qiu Yu Zheng Weiping Wang Xiuqin Ding Yi Li Ping Chen Yuhua Wu Hao Zhang Wenjun Liang Aibin Yang Zhizhang Ansell Stephen Authors Info & ...
Sikorska B, Danilewicz M, Wagrowska-Danilewicz M. HLA-DR expression is a significant prognostic factor in laryngeal cancer. A morphometric study. Apmis 1999; 107:383-8.Sikorska B, Danilewicz M, Wagrowska-Danilewicz M. HLA-DR expression is a significant prognostic factor in laryngeal ...
Reduced B cell HLA-DR expression and natural killer cell count in patients prone to sepsis after injury. Eur J Surg 1999; 165: 1129±33.Ditschkowski M, Kreuzfelder E, Majetschak M, Obertacke U, Schade UF, Grosse-Wilde H. Reduced B cell HLA-DR expression and natural killer cell counts...
1) HLA DR Expression 人白细胞分化抗原 例句>> 2) HLA-DR 人白细胞分化抗原DR区 1. Study between expression ofHLA-DRand treating effects of oral lichen planus with No.2 Drinking; 中药2号口服液治疗口腔扁平苔藓前后人白细胞分化抗原DR区的表达变化 ...
Hla-Dr Expression on Circulating Mononuclear Cells in Healthy and Sick NeonatesStreptococcus pneumoniaepenicillinantibiotic resistancePediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular ...
这项研究近日发表在Chinese Neurosurgical Journal 杂志/中华神经外科杂志(英文)上,论文题目《Expression of HLA-DR genes in gliomas:correlation with clinicopathological features and prognosis》,研究者:樊星(第一作者)、乔慧(通讯作者)、江涛(通讯作者)。这篇文章获得了2018年度中国科技期刊优秀论文/中华医学百篇优秀...