HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 alleles in Japanese type 1 autoimmune hepatitis: The predisposing role of the DR4/DR8 heterozygous genotype. PloS one. 12, e0187325 (2017). Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Lim, Y. S. et al. Susceptibility to type 1 autoimmune hepatitis is associated ...
The ELDOT typing sets included DRB-generic (18 SSO) and DRB1 subtypes of DR1(6), DR2(6), DR4(9) and DR52(28); in addition sets for typing of DRB3(5), DRB5(6) and DQB1(16) were used. Controls on each ELDOT tray included three blind duplicate probes, a negative control, ...
Differences of clinical and laboratory parameters between the DR4+ and DR4- in RA patients Chi-square test or T test was took to evaluate the balance of average age, gender and disease duration of included studies, there were not obvious imbalance of the baseline for them. We contacted the ...
Cross-recognition of HLA DR4 alloantigen by virus-specific CD8+ T cells: a new paradigm for self-/nonself-recognition. Blood 114, 2244–2253 (2009). Nature Genetics ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLINE METHODS Experimental cohort and study approval. For cohort 1, human peripheral blood ...
The Rosetta Dock server (http://rosettadock.graylab.jhu.edu) was used to generate the pair interaction energies across the peptide-DP2 protein binding interface. The X-ray structure of the peptide-HLA-DP2 (DPA*0103, DPB1*0201) complex (pdb code: 3lqz) was used as input. The RosettaDoc...
Furthermore, the electrophoretic mobility of the DRw9 alloantisera specific light chain was distinct from that of the MT3 light chain of these cell lines (Yabe et al., submitted), as in the case of the light chains of DR4 and MT3 antigens in a DR4-homozygous cell line (Suzuki et al...
and DR locus in some autoimmune disorders. In RA, the DQ7 allele has been shown to be associated with a majority of DR4 alleles (in Caucasoid populations), whereas in Asian populations, DQ8 is in linkage disequilibrium with DR4. The above data support a role of HLA-DQ alleles in genetic ...
LABXpress Pipettor (One Lambda), a high throughput liquid handling system to aspirate and dispense precise volumes into test wells of a 96-well reaction plate, is used to minimize inter-assay variations. We compared the HLA antibody results before and after COVID-19 for each patient to assess...
This represents a greater risk than the 3% estimated risk among those with the DR3–DQ2/DR4–DQ8 haplotype43. Our results may have interesting applications for identifying and estimating the risk for these diseases in Sonoran special groups, such as the relatives of the patients, or those with...
1:200 0201 05 05 05 05 other 05 02 0301/04 02 0301/04 02 other 02 07 11/12 03 11/12 03 other 03 DR7-DQ2 DR11/12-DQ7 DR3-DQ2 DR11/12-DQ7 DR3-DQ2 other DR3-DQ2 03 0302 04 DR4-DQ8 0201 03 03 other 0201 0201 0201 other 05 other 05 other other other 02 0302 0302...