Cytokine Production and Monocyte HLA-DR Expression as Predictors of Outcome for Patients with Community-Acquired Severe Infections This study was performed to evaluate the impact of pro- and anti-inflammatory molecules and human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR) expression as markers of im... A Lekko...
several missing informations remained: 1-Which patients' are more prone to benefit from mHLA-DR measurement, 2-Is the nadir or the duration of the low mHLA-DR expression the main parameter to consider? 3-What are the compared performances of leukocytes' count analyses (lymphocyte, monocyte). ...
By combining single-cell transcriptomics of murine model of sepsis with in vivo experiments, we uncovered a similar subtype of monocyte significantly associated with late sepsis and immunocompromised status of septic mice, corresponding to HLA-DRlowS100Ahigh monocytes in human sepsis. Moreover, we ...
We determined whether total mononuclear cell dose (MNC), colony-forming unit–granulocyte-monocyte (CFU-GM), CD34+ cell dose and CD34+ cell subsets (CD34+ CD38− and CD34+ HLA-DR−) were associated with SHR and/or LHR. Time to neutrophil engraftment (TNE) and time to platelet ...
May-Grünwald-Giemsa cytospin results showed that the morphological features of HLA-DR−/lowCD33+CD16−cells were similar to those of immature monocyte-like cells (Fig.1e). The in vitro immune-suppressive activity of the HLA-DR−/lowCD33+CD16−population identified among the G-PBSC was...
The deviation by HLA-G of dendritic cell (DC) towards a tolerogenic phenotype has been described only in murine models or usingmonocytederived DC (MDCC); there is still no evidence using myelomonocytic cells isolated fromdecidua. These decidualCD14+or CD14−HLA-DR+cells have an unusual phenotyp...
human blood monocyte subsets; CD14; CD16; HLA-DR; liver failure Abstract Changes in monocytes and their subsets (CD14hi/CD16neg, CD14hi/CD16pos and CD14lo/CD16pos) have been described in several diseases. The combination of CD14, CD16 and HLA-DR has been suggested to discriminate monocyte...
Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from HLA-B27+ axial spondyloarthritis (SpA) patients display altered functional capacity and deregulated gene expression INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to compare the functional capacity and gene expression profile of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MD-DCs) in HLA-B27+...
The deviation by HLA-G of dendritic cell (DC) towards a tolerogenic phenotype has been described only in murine models or using monocyte derived DC (MDCC); there is still no evidence using myelomonocytic cells isolated from decidua. These decidual CD14+ or CD14− HLA-DR+ cells have an unus...
T cell lines were generated from PBMCs using monocyte-derived DCs based on previously established protocols with minor modifications [77,78], as illustrated in Fig.4a. Briefly, monocytes were isolated from PBMCs using a CD14 isolation MACS MicroBeads kit (Miltenyi Biotec, Cat. #130–050-201) ...