HLA-B27- negative ankylosing spondylitis in a father and a son. Scand J Rheumatol 1995;24:321-2.Skomsvoll J E , Ostensen M , Romberg O , et al . HLA2B27 negative anky2 losing spondylitis in a father and a son. Scand J Rheumatol , 1995 , 24 (5) :3212322....
单纯的银屑病患者HLA-B27的发生率没有增高,但45%银屑病性脊柱炎患者可检出HLA-B27抗原。急性葡萄膜炎(AAU),也可以是脊柱关节炎(SpA)的特征表现之一,与HLA-B27的阳性有密切关联。 研究已证实,强直性脊柱炎(AS)的发病和人类白细胞抗原(HLA)-B27有强烈相关性,并有明显家族聚集倾向。在健康人群中,HLA-B27抗原表达...
故尔,HLA-B27具有功能多样性;HLA-B27与强直性脊柱炎,并非一对一之关联度 参考文献 1.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/?term=histocompatibility+antigens+class+i 2. SchlossteinL, Terasaki PI, Bluestone R, Pearson CM. High association of an H...
Summary: HLA 627 negative ankylosing spondylitis—a rare condition. S. R. Rudge and B. L. J. Treadwell, Aust. N.Z. J. Med ., 1980, 10, pp. 227–229. New strict criteria have recently been suggested for the definition of HLA B27 negative ankylosing spondylitis, which show it to be...
HLA-B27: The Facts HLA-B27 (an abbreviation for "Human Leukocyte Antigen B27") or HLA-B*27 (according to the most recent nomenclature) is one of the HLA class I surface molecules encoded in the B locus of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the short arm of chromosome 6 (...
综上,我们可以得知HLA-B27阳性与AS不能完全划上等号,健康人群中亦有一部分HLA-B27为阳性,约10%的AS患者HLA-B27也为阴性,HLA-B27阴性并不能完全排除患有强直性脊柱炎的可能,只是HLA-B27阳性较阴性患中轴脊柱关节炎的几率大一些。 参考文献: [1]Dashti N, Mahmoudi M, Aslani S, Jamshidi A. HLA-B*27 sub...
Twenty of these were HLA-positive and 9 B27 negative. Thirty matched controls were also studied and of these, 15 were negative. Random and directed were measured both by migration through a micropore filter and also by migration under an agar film. The attractant was serum activated either by...
带您了解HLA-B27与强直性脊柱炎 临床上经常会遇到这样的患者,年轻男性,腰背部疼痛,易误认为工作劳累导致的“腰肌劳损”。尤其是晚上,翻身都疼,身体有僵硬感,早上起床活动会儿,感觉僵硬有所减轻。此时,应警惕强直性脊柱炎( ankylosing spondylitis,AS)的发生,建议该人群进行人类白细胞抗原B27( human leucocyte ...