(ILAR), can be classified by having arthritis and enthesitis or arthritis/enthesitis along with at least 2 of the following: sacroiliitis or inflammatory back pain, positive blood test for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27, arthritis in males with onset age greater than 6 years, symptomatic ...
YANG Yu-ting,ZHOU Fen,HUA Yan-jun,et al.Expression of CD4+T Cells in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis and the Assessment of Related Factors by Logistic Regression[J].Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine,2016,31(01):90.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7414.2016.02.027][2]李...
Whole blood (5 mL) collected in a green-top (heparin) or a yellow-top (acid-citrate-dextrose [ACD]) tube. Normal findings (Method: Flow cytometry) Negative (indicating absence of the antigen). Description The human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) are gene products of the major histocompatibilit...
HLA B 27 in the Population of Northern Sweden The frequency of HLA B27 in blood donors born in northern Sweden was found to be 16.6%. This was significantly higher than in southern Sweden or in Caucasians generally, with the exception of Finland. A close genetic relationship has bee... A...
The distribution of B* 27 alleles was determined in a random population of 4020 local blood donors and the use of PCR- SSP B* 27 typing in our routine flow cytometry- based HLA- B27/ B2708 typing strategy is described.Downing, J
Applications Tested: This B1.23.2 antibody has been pre-titrated and tested by flow cytometric analysis of normal human peripheral blood cells. This can be used at 5 µL (0.25 µg) per test. A test is defined as the amount (µg) of antibody that will stain a cell sample in a ...
In addition, 268 whole blood samples from routine patient requests for B27-associated disease typing were tested in parallel with HLA-B typing using the standard complement-dependent microlymphocytoxicity test. The detailed specificity of the three monoclonal antibodies was established and the products...
随着记忆性 B 细胞研究的进一步深入, 荷 兰莱顿医学院免疫血液及输血科建立了一种基 于 ELISPOT 的定量检测供体特异性记忆 B 细胞的方法[27]. 该方法主要通过植物血凝素 (phytohaemagglutinin,PHA)刺激供体外周血单个 核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cell,PBMC), 使 PBMC 持续分化, 细胞中的 HLA 抗原含量...
It is noteworthy that Feng et al (14) recently showed that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from HLA–B27–positive AS patients, but not healthy controls, generate sufficient ER stress to activate the UPR when treated with IFNγ. In previous studies, HLA–B27–expressing PBMC-derived...
After final eligibility testing, blood was sent for determination of IgG HLA Ab status (see below and Supplementary text), and the results used in the randomisation process. Allocation to blinded standard care (SC) or unb...