HLA-A11 has two serologically-defined splits, A11.1 and A11.2, and two alleles coding for HLA-A11, A*1101 and A*1102, have been published so far. In order to understand the relationship between the serological subtypes and the amino acid sequences, we have sequenced the alleles coding ...
高效准确鉴别 HLA 基因分型 针对聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物 (polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer, PCR-SSP) 的 HLA 基因分型检测方法,Medix Biochemica HiDi®系列原料酶对于引物3'末端仅单独一个错配,即具有高特异性,且无论是转换型或颠换型错配,均可高效鉴别,极大程度提高了HLA基因分型的效...
· 3 1 1 1 · 稳定表达HLA-A * 1101 蛋白的 K562 细胞株的建立 Table. Primers used for construction of HLA-A * 1101-encoding expression vector Name Sequence Description A11F1 5'-CAGACGCCGAGGATGGCC-3' The sense primer of HLA-A * 1101 gene. A11R 5'-CACACAAGGCAGCTGTCTCACA-3' The re...
Bidwell等利用限制性片段长度多态性分析(restriction fragment length polymorphism,RFLP)对HLAⅡ类抗原在DNA水平进行分型,随后利用该项技术发现了Ⅱ类区域许多以往未检测出的多态性。众多的DNA分型技术相继被发明,目前有三种主要的技术应用于临床及科研:序列特异性引物(sequence-specific primer...
carrying HLA-A * 1101 gene in peripheral blood of individuals have a strong ability to stimulate CTL responses, so as to cover the development of China's nearly one-third of HLA-A * 1101-positive population of hepatitis B vaccine therapeutic polypeptide Providing new candidate core sequence. ...
HLA 基因具有高度的多态性,决定了所表达的 HLA 抗原分子的多态性。目前主要利用基因分型检测技术进行 HLA 分型,相较于血清学和细胞学方法,具有更高的灵敏度和准确度,并且可以检测出更多分型。 HiDi® 高效准确鉴别 HLA 基因分型 针对聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物 (polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific pr...
Disclosed are: an HLA-A*-1101-restricted WT1 peptide, specifically a peptide which comprises an amino acid sequence composed of nine contiguous amino acid residues derived from WT1 protein, is capable of binding to an HLA-A 二、法律状态 暂无信息 三、权利要求 暂无信息 四、说明书暂无信息 打开AP...
HLA基因与生殖免疫相关性的研究人类白细胞抗原(HLA)是人类主要组织相容性复合体的产物,本质是具有高度多态性的同种异体抗原,按分布和功能分为Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类抗原, HLA-Ⅰ类抗原由HLA-A、B、C位点编码,HLA-Ⅱ类抗原受控于HLA-D区(包含DP ,DM , DO,DQ和DR5个亚区),...
There has been a difference of two amino acids observed between the F pockets of the peptide binding groove of B*27:06 and B*27:04, as well as a difference of one amino acid between B*27:09 and B*27:05. These minor changes of the amino acid sequences result in significantly ...
<div p-id="p-0001">An HLA-A*1101-restricted WT1 peptide, specifically, a peptide comprising an amino acid sequence consisting of 9 contiguous amino acids from a WT1 protein, wherein the peptide has an