DomainResourceIResourceA resource with narrative, extensions, and contained resources+ If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources+ If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain any narrative+ If a resource is contained in another...
A neural network classification model is used to classify thirteen relationship types between concepts, facilitating mapping to the FHIR Condition resource. We use data programming, a weak supervision approach, to eliminate the need for a manually annotated training corpus. Shapley values, a mechanism ... --> addConditionToPatient() (Creates a sample FHIR Condition resource (in JSON format) and sends the POST request to the address above. Patient reference is encrypted before sending the Condition to the server. The server never gets a non-encrypted version of the Patient ...
hl7.fhir.r4.model.Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST); entry.setResource((org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Resource) nextResource); } } } } else { if (ctx.getResourceDefinition(parsed).getName().equals("SearchParameter")) { continue; } org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent entry = bundle.addEntry...
Kiourtis等[35]通过将医疗领域本体与HL7 FHIR Resource本体的句法相似性和语义相似性的结果相结合,实现了将医疗保健数据转换至广泛采用的医疗标准HL7 FHIR之中,有效地实现了医疗保健领域内的信息交换。文献[36]建立了一个基于链接数据的本体和HL7 FHIR的数据管理框架,其中,将HL7 FHIR Resource定义为本体中的OWL类,...
* entry[patient].resource only CZ_Patient * entry contains condition 0..* //* entry[condition].resource 1.. * entry[condition].resource only ConditionUvIps // CZ * entry contains device 0..* * entry[device].resource only Device * entry contains diagnosticreport 1..1 * entry[diagnosticre...
fhirType() + "/" + resourceID); } else { entry.setFullUrl("urn:uuid:" + resourceID); } entry.setResource(resource); if (TRANSACTION_BUNDLE) { BundleEntryRequestComponent request = entry.getRequest(); request.setMethod(HTTPVerb.POST); request.setUrl(resource.getResourceType().name())...
theSent.add(nextResource.getIdElement().toUnqualifiedVersionless().getValue()); } } 代码示例来源:origin: ca.uhn.hapi.fhir/hapi-fhir-structures-dstu3 /** * @param value {@link #condition} (A reference to an invariant that may make additional statements about the cardinality or value in ...
schema/Location.schema.json" ], "security": [ { "code": "N", "display": "normal", "system": "" } ], "tag": [ { "code": "N", "display": "normal", "system": "" } ] } } ], "resourceType": "Parameters" }...
Fifteen new category recommendations were addressed through a revision of category definitions (e.g., personality disorder described as a behavioral health condition). In the second survey, data categorizations led to recommendations for more categories from ten participants. Future revisions of the HL7...