9200driversetthesizewhichwasnot supportedbytheT2papertray 9301Whenpaperwasfedfromthe2-67 unit. MPtray,theMPpaperempty sensordetectedthatnopaper wasintheMPtray.9704 9302Whenpaperwasfedfromthe2-679705 papertray1,theT1paperfeed sensordetectedthatnopaper wasinthepapertray1. 2-17Confidential ErrorReferError...
Printer driver 29 Linux 29 Windows® 29 Printing a document 30 Printer driver settings 31 Windows® 32 Accessing the printer driver settings 32 Features in the Windows® printer driver 33 Basic tab 33 Printer driver 33 2-sided printing 38 Booklet printing 39 Advanced tab 41 Print Profiles ...